example_classification / codelists / british-isles.csv
Label,Notation,Parent Notation,Sort Priority,Description
British Isles,Q38272,,,group of islands in northwesst Europe
Ireland,Q22890,Q38272,,"island in north-west Europe, politically divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland"
Ireland,Q27,Q22890,,republic covering major parts of the island of Ireland
Northern Ireland,Q26,Q22890,,"region in north-west Europe, part of the United Kingdom"
Great Britain,Q23666,Q38272,,island in the North Atlantic off the north-west coast of continental Europe
Scotland,Q22,Q23666,,"country in Northwest Europe, part of the United Kingdom"
Wales,Q25,Q23666,,"country in Northwest Europe, part of the United Kingdom"
England,Q21,Q23666,,"country in north-west Europe, part of the United Kingdom"
Isle of Man,Q9676,Q38272,,British Crown dependency
Guernsey,Q25230,Q38272,,British Crown dependency comprised of several islands
Jersey,Q785,Q38272,,British Crown Dependency in the Channel Islands