# switch.py 17/03/2016 D.J.Whale # # Control Energenie switches. # Note, at the moment, this only works with MiHome Adaptor Plus devices # because the 'sensorid' is discovered via the monitor message. # You could probably fake it by preloading the directory with your sensorid # if you know what it is. # Note, this is *only* a test program, to exercise the lower level code. # Don't expect this to be a good starting point for an application. # Consider waiting for me to finish developing the device object interface first. from energenie import Devices, Messages, Registry, OpenThings from energenie import radio2 as radio from Timer import Timer # Increase this if you have lots of switches, so that the receiver has enough # time to receive update messages, otherwise your devices won't make it into # the device directory. TX_RATE = 2 # seconds between each switch change cycle def warning(msg): print("warning:%s" % str(msg)) def trace(msg): print("monitor:%s" % str(msg)) #----- TEST APPLICATION ------------------------------------------------------- def switch_sniff_loop(): """Listen to sensor messages and add them to the Registry""" # See if there is a payload, and if there is, process it if radio.is_receive_waiting(): ##trace("receiving payload") payload = radio.receive() try: decoded = OpenThings.decode(payload) except OpenThings.OpenThingsException as e: warning("Can't decode payload:" + str(e)) return OpenThings.showMessage(decoded) # Any device that reports will be added to the non-persistent directory Registry.update(decoded) ##trace(decoded) # Process any JOIN messages by sending back a JOIN-ACK to turn the LED off if len(decoded["recs"]) == 0: # handle messages with zero recs in them silently print("Empty record:%s" % decoded) else: # assume only 1 rec in a join, for now if decoded["recs"][0]["paramid"] == OpenThings.PARAM_JOIN: mfrid = OpenThings.getFromMessage(decoded, "header_mfrid") productid = OpenThings.getFromMessage(decoded, "header_productid") sensorid = OpenThings.getFromMessage(decoded, "header_sensorid") Messages.send_join_ack(radio, mfrid, productid, sensorid) def switch_toggle_loop(): """Toggle the switch on all devices in the directory""" global switch_state if Registry.size() > 0 and sendSwitchTimer.check(): print("transmit") radio.transmitter() for sensorid in Registry.get_sensorids(): # Only try to toggle the switch for devices that actually have a switch header = Registry.get_info(sensorid)["header"] mfrid = header["mfrid"] productid = header["productid"] if Devices.hasSwitch(mfrid, productid): request = OpenThings.alterMessage(Messages.SWITCH, header_sensorid=sensorid, recs_0_value=switch_state) p = OpenThings.encode(request) print("Sending switch message to %s %s" % (hex(productid), hex(sensorid))) # Transmit multiple times, hope one of them gets through for i in range(4): radio.transmit(p) radio.receiver() ##print("receive") switch_state = (switch_state+1) % 2 # toggle if __name__ == "__main__": trace("starting switch tester - (in TX-only mode)") radio.init() OpenThings.init(Devices.CRYPT_PID) # Seed the registry with a known device, to simplify tx-only testing SENSOR_ID = 0x68B # captured from a real device device_header = OpenThings.alterMessage(Messages.REGISTERED_SENSOR, header_mfrid = Devices.MFRID, header_productid = Devices.PRODUCTID_MIHO005, # adaptor plus header_sensorid = SENSOR_ID) Registry.update(device_header) sendSwitchTimer = Timer(TX_RATE, 1) # every n seconds offset by initial 1 switch_state = 0 # OFF radio.receiver() ##radio.transmitter() try: while True: switch_sniff_loop() switch_toggle_loop() finally: radio.finished() # END