Initial Proposal for modelling devices as classes. The purpose is to be able to write expressive and compact applications that talk in the land of physical devices such as 'myRadiator' and 'myPlug' or even second level names such as 'myKettle' (which is plugged into 'myPlug'). Thus hiding the detail of how messages get encoded and transported, and focusing an application more on it's intents than on it's implementation. each different device has a class 'cookie cutter' (e.g. Energenie.MiHomeAdaptorPlus(),Energenie.eTRV()) each instance of a device is an object (e.g. plug, rad...) each device instance can be named and abstracted as appropriate to it's purpose (e.g. kitchenKettle(plug), hallwayRad(rad)) Outgoing command messages modelled by function calls and/or properties (e.g. kitchenPlug.turnOn() or even kettle.turnOn()...) Incoming data modelled by function call getters and/or properties, perhaps with a cache of the last received value (e.g. hallRad.getTemperature(), hallRad.temperature) meta-model driven proxy classes for device types not in the device dictionary (e.g. an unknown device sends it's temperature, so you can still say unknownDevice.getTemperature() or unknownDevice.temperature) a low dependency link from the device object instances to the transport that sends and receives messages on their behalf (e.g. kitchenPlug = Energenie.MiHomeAdaptorPlus(OpenHEMS(myRadio)) an outwards link via OpenHEMS(radio) for queueing transmit messages. An inwards link from OpenHEMS(radio) back to the object, so that when a message is received from a specific (mfrid, prodid, sensorid) the data is routed to the correct object instance. perhaps a catch-all object that receives messages from unknown or unregistered devices, with a way to later morph those into real device instances (e.g. this could be how the discovery service is created, by all messages for unknown sensorid's going to a catch all, and later the app constructing appropriate object abstractions around them and them being removed from 'unknown' Also note that I intend this design to work directly with the (to be coded) message sequencer to ensure that messages are transmitted at 'quiet' times in the schedule to prevent collisions with reports from other devices. I also plan to completely abstract away in the device classes used by app whether the device is a MiHome (FSK) or Legacy (OOK) and automatically switch the radio modulation configuration and safely schedule outgoing messages. This will allow building systems combined with both MiHome and Legacy devices, and treating them all as first class citizens in any user app. I won't be starting work on this until I have finished the hardening of the physical layer. I'm thinking of a device-agnostic interface, so you can just have python variables for any connected device (green button or purple), with a simple device registry. Then instigate methods on them. This will knit up to the radio interface under the bonnet for you, and switch between OOK and FSK mode automatically - mostly leaving the radio idling in FSK receive mode to increase the chances of hearing a report. Later I will add a message scheduler that learns the reporting schedule, and defers FSK or OOK transmits to 'free timeslots' to improve the performance of the overall system. So something a bit like this maybe: (when configuring the system) print("Press the learn button on the TV device") energenie.start_learn(house_code=0xABCDE, index=2) raw_input("Press enter when done") energenie.stop_learn() energenie.create_device("tv", energenie.device.ENER002, index=2, house_code=0xABCDE) energenie.create_device("aquarium", energenie.device.MIHO005, address=0x1234) (when running the system) tv = energenie.get("tv") aquarium = energenie.get("aquarium") aquarium.on() time.sleep(10) if aquarium.power > 20: print("Has the pump motor stalled??") def just_turned_off(device): print("Your user just turned off %s" % device) print("I'm turning it back on!") device.on() aquarium.when_turned_off(just_turned_off) This is four separate pieces of work: 1) a persistent device registry To allow device types and modulation (ENER, MIHO) and (FSK, OOK) plus addressing information, to be associated with a friendly name 'tv', and persisted to a disk version of a registry database. This database to be queryable so that runtime device classes can be reconstructed from their name in this database. 2) a device class for every supported device To allow device specific intents to be mapped onto on air messages, and for incoming data to be cached locally in RAM to allow simple on demand query semantics. 3) device class to radio interface To allow device classes to be controlled by intents such as tv.turn_on() and for that intent to trigger some on-air activity in the radio driver. Also, for received messages from the on-air interface to be routed to the device class that handles that device, so that when the MiHome adaptor plus address 0x123 reports it's energy, that energy report is cached inside the 'tv' object, allowing deferred queries like tv.is_on() and tv.get_power() 4) A dynamic message scheduler that intelligently switches the radio between transmit and receive and OOK and FSK modes. It will learn the reporting times of each device that is in earshot, build a timing plan, and use that timing plan to defer later transits to timeslots that are not already occupied by a regular report for a device, and thus decreasing the probability of missing a rx due to being in tx, and therefore improving the performance of the overall system. One of the other things about this, is that the registry record for a device instance can relate it to a device class (in Classes in could then define the radio parameters needed in order to communicate with that type of device (e.g. a purple mihome could be (FSK, repeats=1) and a green button could be (OOK, repeats=8) etc). Then when the app tries to use tv.on() it really consults the parameters in it's parent class, a MIHO005, which configures the radio as FSK,repeats=1 and sends the message. When the app tries to use fan.on() it consults the parent class, gets an ENER002 which configures the radio as OOK,repeats=8 and sends the message. These device classes could also estimate based on the message you are sending, how long it will take to send that message, and it can use that when (later) consulting an intelligent message scheduler to work out a timeslot that it can use that will be long enough to not collide with a known report time from another MiHome device that is known to be sending regular reports. Also, the device instance (tv, fan) can then store 'last heard from time' to work out if the device is working or not, and also 'last values' such as to service any requests such as get_power() and get_voltage() and get_frequency() - i.e. these accessors will read the last known value (or raise an error if no value is known) rather than trying to request it on demand - many devices do not support request on demand, so they have to be cached. They can be cached with a receipt timestamp, so that the app can always put an expectation on how up to date the data is that it requires.