History for sparql-test-runner / src / main / scala / uk / org / floop / sparqlTestRunner / SparqlTestRunner.scala
@Alex Tucker
Ran migrateSyntax
Alex Tucker committed on 12 Dec
@Alex Tucker
Read files as named graphs and set default graph as union of named graphs.
Alex Tucker committed on 12 Dec
@Alex Tucker
Add -m max time for query execution. Attempt to fix FROMs not being sent to remote SPARQL endpoint.
Alex Tucker committed on 8 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
Use logger rather than out/err
Alex Tucker committed on 8 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
Move the uncurry to later to eagerly parse the config and load the data from files only once.
Alex Tucker committed on 8 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
Remove debugging.
Alex Tucker committed on 5 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
Move error reason to message, not stack-trace.
Alex Tucker committed on 5 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
-i -> ignore errors (exceptions) rather than failures & errors.
Alex Tucker committed on 5 Mar 2021
@Alex Tucker
Some refactoring to add tests to figure out the reason for exceptions.
Alex Tucker committed on 5 Mar 2021