2023-12-12 |
Bump Scala version and some deps in preparation for migration to Scala 3.
Alex Tucker
on 12 Dec 2023
2021-02-09 |
Bump versions: scala -> 2.13.4; scopt -> .0.0; scala-xml -> 1.3.0; sbt -> 1.4.7.
Alex Tucker
on 9 Feb 2021
2019-03-15 |
Bump scala to 2.12.8 and sbt to 1.2.8. Create sparql-test-runner jar and make it run the test runner directly.
Alex Tucker
on 15 Mar 2019
2018-02-03 |
Update deps, move to Jena 3.x, Java >=8, sbt 1.x. Move to floop.org.uk. Try again to put all graphs, named or otherwise, into one graph for querying.
Alex Tucker
on 3 Feb 2018