weather-servlet / src / main / resources / forecast.conf
# forecast.conf - provide the text strings which will be associated with the 
#                 Vantage Pro Forecast Rule and the icon files to be associated 
#                 with the VP Forecast Icon value

# File Format
#   Icon Image Files
#   ----------------
#   Each line starting with "ICON" will be parsed for icon file name until 
#   all 31 are found or EOF. They are assigned in order from 1 through 31.
#   Missing assignments in this file are left uninitialized and will appear 
#   as a zero-length string when the <!--forecastIcon--> tag is replaced with 
#   nothing. The text following the keyword "ICON" is ignored by htmlgend and 
#   is only included for clarity during user configuration. The order cannot 
#   be changed.
#   Icon Bit Definitions
#   VP_FCAST_ICON_RAIN          0x01
#   VP_FCAST_ICON_CLOUD         0x02
#   VP_FCAST_ICON_PART_SUN      0x04
#   VP_FCAST_ICON_SUNNY         0x08
#   VP_FCAST_ICON_SNOW          0x10
#   So forecast icon value 0x05 implies PartlySunny and Rain.
#   Note that some of the combinations of the bits do not make sense, such as
#   "ICON_SNOW_SUN_PARTSUN_CLOUD_RAIN" - I have made judgement calls for these 
#   to something more reasonable in terms of the icon file used.
#   Forecast Rule Text
#   ------------------
#   After the first occurence of the string "<RULES>" in this file, each line
#   following from column 0 to the newline is read by htmlgend and assigned 
#   to the corresponding forecast rule value - IN ORDER. There are 197 entries 
#   exactly, no more, no less. htmlgend will assign an empty string to any 
#   forecast rules which are missing entries in this file. Those will always 
#   be the last entries - htmlgend assumes that each line of text SEQUENTIALLY 
#   is to be assigned to the forecast rule that equals that relative line 
#   number. There can be no holes or gaps.
#   htmlgend begins with the line following the line with the string "<RULES>". 
#   Text may be converted to any language which can be represented by 8 bit 
#   characters.

# these are sequntial from 1-31 representing all of the above bit combinations
ICON_RAIN                              fc-icon-rain.gif
ICON_CLOUD                             fc-icon-cloudy.gif
ICON_CLOUD_RAIN                        fc-icon-rain.gif
ICON_PARTSUN                           fc-icon-partlycloudy.gif
ICON_PARTSUN_RAIN                      fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_PARTSUN_CLOUD                     fc-icon-partlycloudy.gif
ICON_PARTSUN_CLOUD_RAIN                fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_SUN                               fc-icon-sunny.gif
ICON_SUN_RAIN                          fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_SUN_CLOUD                         fc-icon-partlycloudy.gif
ICON_SUN_CLOUD_RAIN                    fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_SUN_PARTSUN                       fc-icon-partlycloudy.gif
ICON_SUN_PARTSUN_RAIN                  fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_SUN_PARTSUN_CLOUD                 fc-icon-partlycloudy.gif
ICON_SUN_PARTSUN_CLOUD_RAIN            fc-icon-partlycloudyandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW                              fc-icon-snow.gif
ICON_SNOW_RAIN                         fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_CLOUD                        fc-icon-snow.gif
ICON_SNOW_CLOUD_RAIN                   fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_PARTSUN                      fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_PARTSUN_RAIN                 fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_PARTSUN_CLOUD                fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_PARTSUN_CLOUD_RAIN           fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN                          fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_RAIN                     fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_CLOUD                    fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_CLOUD_RAIN               fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_PARTSUN                  fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_PARTSUN_RAIN             fc-icon-snowandrain.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_PARTSUN_CLOUD            fc-icon-partlycloudyandsnow.gif
ICON_SNOW_SUN_PARTSUN_CLOUD_RAIN       fc-icon-snowandrain.gif

Mostly clear and cooler.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly clear for 12 hours with little temperature change.
Mostly clear for 12 to 24 hours and cooler.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy and cooler.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear and warmer.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 hours.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 12 hours.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 24 hours.
Mostly clear and warmer. Increasing winds.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 hours. Increasing winds.
Mostly clear and warmer. Increasing winds.
Increasing clouds and warmer.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 hours. Increasing winds.
Mostly clear and warmer. Increasing winds.
Increasing clouds and warmer.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 hours. Increasing winds.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly clear and warmer. Precipitation possible within 48 hours.
Mostly clear and warmer.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 hours.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation likley.
Clearing and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Clearing and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Clearing and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Partly cloudy and cooler.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear and cooler.
Clearing and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Clearing and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Mostly clear and cooler.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 hours.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation continuing.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation likely.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible and windy within 6 hours.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible and windy within 6 hours.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation continuing. Increasing winds.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Increasing winds.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing. Increasing winds.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation likely. Increasing winds.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation ending within 12 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation ending within 12 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation ending within 12 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 24 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation ending within 12 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Clearing cooler and windy. Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
Clearing cooler and windy.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Clearing cooler and windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 12 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation ending within 6 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours. Windy.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation ending in 12 to 24 hours.
Mostly cloudy and cooler.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation continuing possible heavy at times. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours. Windy.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Windy.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation continuing possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation likely possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation continuing. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 hours possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possibly heavy at times and ending within 12 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation ending within 12 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation continuing.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W NW or N.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation continuing.
Mostly cloudy with little temperature change. Precipitation likely.
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Mostly clear with little temperature change.
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Mostly clear and cooler.
Mostly clear and cooler.
Mostly clear and cooler.