Jenkins shared library for calling PMD Drafter and pipeline APIs

gradle/ wrapper Add test based on Currently times-out after sending and receiving HTTP req/res. 5 years ago
jenkinsResources Add test based on Currently times-out after sending and receiving HTTP req/res. 5 years ago
src/uk/org/floop/ jenkins_pmd Add getDraftsetEndpoint 5 years ago
test Missed a missing `/v1/status`. 5 years ago
vars Convert any .py files to .ipynb using jupytext. 5 years ago
.gitignore Ignore IntelliJ .idea dir 5 years ago
build.gradle.kts Add configFileProvider and credentials binding plugins, for testing Jenkins stored parameters. 5 years ago
gradlew Add test based on Currently times-out after sending and receiving HTTP req/res. 5 years ago