/* Module for uploading observations to Weather Underground (C) britishideas.com 2014 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <locale.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "wunderground.h" // file that contains weather underground station ID (first line) and // password (second line) #define CREDENTIALS "/home/pi/weather/wh1080wunderground/trunk/wunderground_creds.txt" // API url #define WUURL "http://rtupdate.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php" // maximum lengths of station id and password #define STATIONIDLENGTH 50 #define PASSWORDLENGTH 50 // maximum command length #define CMDLENGTH 1024 // number of samples of data per hour // = 3600 seconds / 48 seconds #define SAMPLESPERHOUR 75 // number of wind direction vector to use for averaging #define WINDVECTORS 16 // number of unique wind directions we support #define WINDDIRECTIONS 16 // minimum speed of wind in mph before we start using the wind direction for // averaging #define MINIMUMWINDSPEED 0.1 #define PI 3.14159265359 // module variables static char gStationId[STATIONIDLENGTH]; static char gPassword[PASSWORDLENGTH]; static int CurrentDay = -1; static double RainatStartofDay = 0.0; // keeps track of rain over the last hour static int CurrentRainSample = -1; static double LastRainSample = 0.0; static double RainSamples[SAMPLESPERHOUR]; // keeps track of wind vectors (direction and speed) static int CurrentWindVector = 0; static int WindDirectionAveragingEnabled = 0; static double LastAveWindDegrees = 0.0; static int WindVectors_Dir[WINDVECTORS]; static double WindVectors_Speed[WINDVECTORS]; // gets the average wind direction in degrees based on previous wind vectors // mostly adapted from pywws: // https://github.com/jim-easterbrook/pywws see pywws/Process.py static double GetAverageWindDirection ( ) { double WeightedVectors[WINDDIRECTIONS]; int i; int dir; int DeadCalm = 1; // initialize weighted vectors for (dir = 0; dir < WINDDIRECTIONS; dir++) WeightedVectors[dir] = 0.0; // set up weighted vectors for (i = 0; i < WINDVECTORS; i++) { if (WindVectors_Speed[i] > MINIMUMWINDSPEED) { WeightedVectors[WindVectors_Dir[i]] += WindVectors_Speed[i]; DeadCalm = 0; } } // if all wind vectors show no wind then use the last average we worked out if (DeadCalm) { return LastAveWindDegrees; } // convert weighted vectors into a single average double Ve = 0.0; double Vn = 0.0; for (dir = 0; dir < WINDDIRECTIONS; dir++) { Ve -= WeightedVectors[dir] * sin((dir * 360.0 / WINDDIRECTIONS) * PI / 180.0); Vn -= WeightedVectors[dir] * cos((dir * 360.0 / WINDDIRECTIONS) * PI / 180.0); } double AveDir = ((atan2(Ve, Vn) * 180.0 / PI) + 180.0); return AveDir; } // gets rain in the last hour in mm static double GetHourlyRainTotal ( double TotalRain ) { int i; double Total; // no samples yet so initialize if (CurrentRainSample == -1) { LastRainSample = TotalRain; CurrentRainSample = 0; return 0.0; } // get new rainfail double NewRain = TotalRain - LastRainSample; LastRainSample = TotalRain; // store sample in circular buffer RainSamples[CurrentRainSample] = NewRain; CurrentRainSample++; if (CurrentRainSample == SAMPLESPERHOUR) CurrentRainSample = 0; // get total rain in last hour Total = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < SAMPLESPERHOUR; i++) Total += RainSamples[i]; return Total; } // gets the total amount of rain for today in mm static double GetDailyRainTotal ( double TotalRain // total rain value from station ) { // get local time time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *now = localtime(&t); // no daily rain information, so start anew if (CurrentDay == -1) { CurrentDay = now->tm_yday; RainatStartofDay = TotalRain; return 0.0; } // day has changed, start anew if (CurrentDay != now->tm_yday) { CurrentDay = now->tm_yday; RainatStartofDay = TotalRain; return 0.0; } // same day so get total rain since start of day double RainToday = TotalRain - RainatStartofDay; // if negative value then transmitter batteries were changed if (RainToday < 0.0) { RainatStartofDay = TotalRain; return 0.0; } return RainToday; } // initializes the module void WUnderground_Init ( void ) { int i; // read in credentials FILE *fp = fopen(CREDENTIALS, "r"); fgets(gStationId, STATIONIDLENGTH, fp); strtok(gStationId, "\n"); fgets(gPassword, PASSWORDLENGTH, fp); strtok(gPassword, "\n"); fclose(fp); // no rain data for (i = 0; i < SAMPLESPERHOUR; i++) RainSamples[i] = 0.0; // no wind vectors for (i = 0; i < WINDVECTORS; i++) { WindVectors_Dir[i] = 0; WindVectors_Speed[i] = 0.0; } } // submits an observation void WUnderground_Observation ( double TemperatureC, // temperature in C double Humidity, // as a percentage double WindAveMph, double WindGustMph, char *WindDirection, // string "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", etc. double TotalRainMm, // total since battery change double PressureHpa // pressure at sea level ) { char Cmd[CMDLENGTH]; char UTCTimestamp[40]; char FileTimestamp[40]; // get timestamp time_t now = time(NULL); strftime(UTCTimestamp, 40, "%Y-%m-%d+%H%%3A%M%%3A%S", gmtime(&now)); strftime(FileTimestamp, 40, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", localtime(&now)); // get temperature in F double TemperatureF = (TemperatureC * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0; // calculate dew point in F // see: http://www.gorhamschaffler.com/humidity_formulas.htm double Es = 6.11 * pow(10.0, 7.5 * TemperatureC / (237.7 + TemperatureC)); double E = Humidity * Es / 100.0; double Tdc = (-430.22 + 237.7 * log(E)) / (-log(E) + 19.08); double DewPointF = (Tdc * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0; // get wind direction double WindIndex = 0; if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "N")) WindIndex = 0; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "NNE")) WindIndex = 1; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "NE")) WindIndex = 2; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "ENE")) WindIndex = 3; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "E")) WindIndex = 4; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "ESE")) WindIndex = 5; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "SE")) WindIndex = 6; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "SSE")) WindIndex = 7; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "S")) WindIndex = 8; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "SSW")) WindIndex = 9; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "SW")) WindIndex = 10; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "WSW")) WindIndex = 11; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "W")) WindIndex = 12; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "WNW")) WindIndex = 13; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "NW")) WindIndex = 14; else if (!strcmp(WindDirection, "NNW")) WindIndex = 15; // calculate degrees for wind direction double WindDegrees = WindIndex * 22.5; // store wind vector in circular buffer WindVectors_Dir[CurrentWindVector] = WindIndex; WindVectors_Speed[CurrentWindVector] = WindAveMph; CurrentWindVector++; if (CurrentWindVector == WINDVECTORS) { CurrentWindVector = 0; // now have full set of samples so can use average WindDirectionAveragingEnabled = 1; } // if wind direction averaging enabled then get the average direction // if not enabled then use current wind direction instead double AveWindDegrees = WindDegrees; if (WindDirectionAveragingEnabled) { AveWindDegrees = GetAverageWindDirection(); printf("Average wind direction = %f\n", AveWindDegrees); } // remember last average wind direction LastAveWindDegrees = AveWindDegrees; // get amount of rain today in mm double RainToday = GetDailyRainTotal(TotalRainMm); // get amount of rain in last hour in mm double RainLastHour = GetHourlyRainTotal(TotalRainMm); sprintf(Cmd, "wget -b -a /tmp/wunderground-%s.log -O /tmp/wunderground-result-%s.html \"%s?action=updateraw&ID=%s&PASSWORD=%s&realtime=1&rtfreq=48&dateutc=%s&tempf=%.1f&humidity=%.2f&windspeedmph=%.2f&windgustmph=%.2f&baromin=%.4f&dewptf=%.1f&winddir=%.1f&dailyrainin=%.4f&rainin=%.4f\"", FileTimestamp, FileTimestamp, WUURL, gStationId, gPassword, UTCTimestamp, TemperatureF, Humidity, WindAveMph, WindGustMph, PressureHpa * 0.0295299830714, DewPointF, AveWindDegrees, RainToday * 0.0393701, RainLastHour * 0.0393701 ); printf("%s\n", Cmd); system(Cmd); }