WH1080-Weather-Underground ========================== Raspberry Pi bridge between a WH1080 weather station and the Weather Underground PWS network 95% based on Kevin Sangeelee's work at http://www.susa.net/wordpress/2012/08/raspberry-pi-reading-wh1081-weather-sensors-using-an-rfm01-and-rfm12b/ See also: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=152023 http://www.quasaruk.co.uk/acatalog/RFM01.pdf Works on a Raspberry Pi V2 with an RFM01 module. Module connections: ```RFM01 -> RPi (pin) SDO MISO (21) SDI MOSI (19) SCK SCLK (23) nSEL CE0_N (24) DATA/nFFS GPIO27 (13) VDD 3V3 (1) GND GND (6)``` 17.3cm wire connected to ANT