brightd / ChangeLog
* brightd-0.4_beta4 (21. Jul 2007)

21. Jul 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c brightd.1:
 -e does not need to contain event anymore, since
 some people do not have event files

09. Jul 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c brightd.1:
 Brightness file is only opened once now

* brightd-0.3_beta2 (08. July 2007)

08. Jul 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Modified tge way -f works, can be used twice now

08. Jul 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c brightd.1:
 event sources may now be filtered to prevent brightd from using undesired
 sources such as hdaps (reported by
 Hannes von Haugwitz <>)
 Also brightd will now attempt to connect to an open X-server
 before waiting for one to appear

* brightd-0.4_beta2 (07. July 2007)

07. Jul 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Fading must not be that fast as the kernel's backend seems
 to be too slow

* brightd-0.4_beta1 (06. July 2007)

06. July 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Rewrote nearly the entire code to implement the
 new exterimental stuff. This code should raise
 nearly no cpu wakeups anymore
 Since this is a big change, I'll release this
 as 0.4_beta1 and skip 0.3.

05. July 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Switched to an experimental branch:
  The code will now use /dev/input/event* to
  check for user activity

05. May 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Added a -x parameter which will cause brightd
 to wait for an X11-session to be opened if it
 does not find one.

29. Apr 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Fixed some typos

28. Apr 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Fixed a minor bug which produced a warning when
 compiling with -Wall

28. Apr 2008; Phillip Berndt Makefile:
 brightd will now be built with debugging information
 by default and will use any $CFLAGS specified in the

*brightd-0.2 (26. Apr 2007)

26. Apr 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 The default class is no longer "ibm" but the first
 directory entry in the backlight directory
 Since 2.6.22 will rename the "ibm" class, I'll
 release this as 0.2 now.

26. Apr 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.1:
 Replaced 1000 µs with 1 ms to prevent encoding
 problems on non-unicode systems

*brightd-0.1 (15. Apr 2007)

15. Apr 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 brightd does use the sys-Interface now.
 (Thanks to Evgeni Golov <sargentd at die-welt dot net> for reporting)
 Added a manpage

26 Feb 2007; Phillip Berndt brightd.c:
 Fixed a typo
 Added #include <string.h> to remove a warning
 (Thanks to Thomas Ohms for reporting.)