joymap / doc / program.tex
\title{Joystick Mapper for Linux -- Programming Guide}
\author{Alexandre Hardy}
This document describes programming language used by the
joystick mapping software. The driver creates a new joystick
device that can be mapped with the normal joystick mapping
software. To use the programming language effectively
the virtual joystick device must be mapped to some joystick
button or axis. The virtual joystick device is indicated
by a vendor id of {\tt 0x00ff} and a product id of {\tt 0x0000}.\\

At each execution cycle, the program is executed from the
beginning until termination (in sequence) or a maximum number of instructions
has been executed (to prevent the driver from looping indefinitely).
The exception to this rule is {\tt threads} described in
section \ref{sec:thread}.\\

Comments are indicated by a hash (\#) and continue to the end of the line.

We now describe the basic components of a program.

All variables in the programming language are 32-bit integers.
These variables can be used to store results from calculations
and can represent button values or axis values. A new variable 
is declared with the {\tt var} statement:
	{\tt var} {\it variable\_name};
where {\it variable\_name} is any identifier that begins with a letter
followed by letters, digits or the underscore. Variable names
are case-sensitive. These variables can be used for any purpose.
Variables are allocated to registers in the virtual machine. Since
there are 256 such registers, only 256 variables can be declared
in addition to the predefined variables.\\

Arrays can be declared as follows
	{\tt var} {\it variable\_name}{\tt [{\it constant}]};
The size of the array must be constant. Each element of the array
is assigned to one register. Registers can be used up very 
quickly by declaring arrays! Arrays are 0 based, that is the
first index of any array is 0.\\

A variable can be declared with the {\tt global} keyword instead, in 
which case the variable is {\it shared} between all threads. This 
variable can then be used for inter thread communication.

There are a few predefined variables that have a special meaning. These
variables are described in the following sections.

\subsection{{\tt firstscan}}
The {\tt firstscan} variable is set to 1 if this is the
first time the program is executed, and 0 otherwise. This
variable can be used to decide when to initialize program

\subsection{{\tt clocktick}}
The {\tt clocktick} variable is set to 1 if the program
is executed as a result of a timer event, or 0 if the
program is executed due to some other event (such as
a joystick button being pressed).

\subsection{{\tt timestamp}}
The {\tt timestamp} variable indicates the time since first
execution of the script measured in milliseconds. This variable can be used to
queue statements based on time. Examples of use include
the {\tt delay} statement (section \ref{sec:delay}).

\subsection{{\tt currentmode}}
The {\tt currentmode} variable is defined by the
program to provide state referring to a mode of
operation. The variable is completely controlled
by the user and may be used for any purpose.
Unlike general variables, this variable is
accessible from all {\tt threads} (see section \ref{sec:thread}).

\subsection{{\tt js}}
The {\tt js} variables give access to the current state of
joysticks attached to the system. There are 16 {\tt js}
variables, namely {\tt js0} through {\tt js15} that
provide access to a maximum of 16 joysticks. The joysticks
are numbered according to the specification in the
current mapping configuration file. That is, the joystick
numbers are explicitly assigned when the joystick is
mapped. Each {\tt js} variable has two fields:
	\item An {\tt a} field that is an array of integers.
		Each element provides the current position
		of that axis of that joystick.
		For example {\tt js0.a[1]}, refers to
		the second axis of the joystick designated
		as 0~in the configuration file.
	\item A {\tt b} field that is an array of integers.
		Each element provides the current button status 
		of that button of that joystick.
		For example {\tt js1.b[3]}, refers to
		the fourth button of the joystick designated
		as 1~in the configuration file. The value is
		1 for a depressed button and 0 otherwise.

\subsection{{\tt a}}
The variable {\tt a} is an array of integers specifying the
position of the virtual axis of the virtual joystick 
created by the program. For example the
	{\tt a[1]=10;}
reports that the second axis of the virtual program joystick
is in position 10. The variable may also be read.

\subsection{{\tt b}}
The {\tt b} variable is an array of integers indicating
whether a virtual button on the virtual program joystick 
is depressed or not. For example, to indicate that
the first button on the virtual joystick is
depressed, we write
	{\tt b[0]=1;}
and to indicate (at a later time) that the button is released
we write
	{\tt b[0]=0;}
This variable may also be read.

Operators are used to build expressions 
to perform some calculation. The operators
are very similar to C operators with some
minor differences. Operators take constants,
variables, array elements or other expressions as parameters.
\subsection{Arithmetic operators}
The arithmetic operators are as follows:
	\item Unary +, eg. $+v$.
	\item Unary -, eg. $-v$.
	\item Binary + eg. $v_1+v_2$.
	\item Binary - eg. $v_1+v_2$.
	\item Binary $\ast$ eg. $v_1\ast v_2$.
	\item Binary / -- integer division. eg. $v_1/v_2$.
	\item Binary \% -- integer remainder. eg. $v_1\%v_2$.
		This function is not implemented with
		primitive instructions and is implemented as
		$a\%b=a-(a/b)\ast b$.

\subsection{Boolean operators}
Boolean operators allow certain conditions to be tested.
The result is an integer indicating the truth of the
statement. 0 is taken to mean {\it false}, and anything
else is taken to mean {\it true}. Thus integer values (variables,
results from a calculation) are also boolean values.
	\item {\tt a==b}: true if integer {\tt a} is equal to integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a!=b}: true if integer {\tt a} is NOT equal to integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a<b}: true if integer {\tt a} is less than integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a>b}: true if integer {\tt a} is greater than integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a<=b}: true if integer {\tt a} is less than or equal to integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a>=b}: true if integer {\tt a} is greater than or equal to integer {\tt b}, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a\&\&b}: true if {\tt a} is true and {\tt b} is true, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt a\pipe\pipe b}: true if {\tt a} is true or {\tt b} is true, false otherwise.
	\item {\tt !a}: true if {\tt a} is false, false otherwise.
Unary operators have the highest precedence. 
The precedence of binary operators is similar to C.
The precedence from highest to lowest is:
	\item \&\& and  \pipe\pipe
	\item $\ast$, / and \%
	\item + and -
	\item {\tt ==, !=, <=, >=, <}  and {\tt >}

\section{Program statements}
All statements are terminated by a semi-colon, except the
statement block.
Assignment is the most commonly used statement.
An example of assignment is 
	{\tt currentmode=1;}
This sets the variable currentmode to have the value 1. Be careful
not to confuse the assignment operator = with the boolean equality 
test ==.
A few shorthand notations exist for some common assignment operations:
	\item {\tt a++} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a+1;}
	\item {\tt a--} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a-1;}
	\item {\tt a+=b} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a+b;}
	\item {\tt a-=b} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a-b;}
	\item {\tt a*=b} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a*b;}
	\item {\tt a/=b} $\rightarrow$ {\tt a=a/b;}
\subsection{Statement blocks}
If several statements need to be combined into a unit,
a statement block can be created as follows:
	{\tt \{\\
		\strut\ \ \ \ $statement_1$;\\
		\strut\ \ \ \ $statement_2$;\\
		\strut\ \ \ \ $statement_3$;\\
		\strut\ \ \ \ \vdots\\
		\strut\ \ \ \ $statement_n$;\\
	\} }
\subsection{{\tt if}}
An {\tt if} statement has the form
	{\tt if ({\it condition}) {\it statement}}
If the {\it statement} is a simple statement, then it is terminated
by a semi-colon. If it is a block statement, then no semi-colon 
is necessary.\\

If the expression {\it condition} evaluates to 0 then the
{\it statement} is not executed, otherwise the {\it statement}
is executed. It is also possible to specify to alternatives
as in
	{\tt if ({\it condition}) {$statement_1$}} else $statement_2$
where $statement_2$ is executed if {\it condition} evaluates
to 0, otherwise $statement_1$ is executed.

\subsection{{\tt while}}
A {\tt while} loop has the form
	{\tt while ({\it condition}) {\it statement};}
As long as {\it condition} evaluates to a non-zero value
{\it statement} will be executed. The {\it condition}
is evaluated before the {\it statement} is executed
and is tested directly before the first (possible)
execution, and directly after execution of {\it statement}.
If {\it condition} evaluates to 0, then the loop
is terminated.
\subsection{{\tt signal}}
The {\tt signal} statement has the form
	{\tt signal({\it expression});}
This statement sends the result of expression
to the mapper device (the device used to program the joystick)
to be relayed to a client program. This can be
used to trigger events outside of the kernel
space. For example, the joystick could
be reprogrammed by the client program based
on the signal sent, or a particular program such
as an e-mail client or multimedia player could be executed.
\subsection{{\tt press}}
The {\tt press} statement allows keypresses to be sent
directly to the driver. {\tt press} has
the form
	{\tt press("{\it key}");}
where {\it key} is one of the constants listed in {\tt keys.txt}.
{\tt press} sends a key pressed event to the driver.
\subsection{{\tt release}}
The {\tt release} statement allows key release events to be sent
directly to the driver. {\tt release} has
the form
	{\tt release("{\it key}");}
where {\it key} is one of the constants listed in {\tt keys.txt}.
{\tt release} sends a key released event to the driver.
\subsection{{\tt thread}}
{\tt Threads} are threads of execution in the sense that each thread
will remember which statement was executing during the last execution
of this thread. Thus threads maintain state information in terms
of an instruction pointer and a collection of registers. {\tt Threads}
do not imply concurrent execution in any way whatsoever! The {\tt thread}
statement declares a thread with independent state, as well as
indicating that the thread must be executed at this point. The
main program will stop executing until execution of this thread completes
or the thread yields. If the thread halts, then the state information
of the thread is reset. If the thread yields, then the thread will
stop execution and save the instruction pointer so that the 
thread can be resumed later. The first time the thread is executed (or after 
the last halt), the current registers are stored in the state
of the thread and the instruction pointer is set to the
first instruction (statement) of the thread. Thereafter (until the next halt), the thread will use
its own copy of the registers (except for special registers such as {\tt timestamp}
and {\tt currentmode}). If the thread was not halted, then the instruction
pointer will be used to resume execution of the thread.\\

The thread statement has the form
	{\tt thread statements;}
The statement declares a new thread to the compiler. The compiler will also 
generate instructions to begin execution of the thread (suspending execution
of the main program until the thread has halted or yielded).
Each thread is allocated a unique thread number. The maximum number of threads
in a program is 8. However, an alternative declaration
	{\tt thread {\it name} statements;}
can be used to provide a specific name to a thread. All threads in the
program with the same name will share the same thread number, thus increasing
the potential number of threads. If there are two or more such threads, then
the programmer is declaring to the compiler that only one such
thread will NOT be in the halted state at any time.
\subsection{{\tt delay}}
The {\tt delay} statement is only valid within a
{\tt thread} statement. The {\tt delay} statement has the form
	{\tt delay({\it expression});}
This statement will delay the executing {\tt thread} {\it expression} milliseconds 
(see {\tt timestamp} in section \ref{sec:timestamp}). The mechanism used
to delay this period of time is a check of the amount of time delayed so
far, followed by a yield if the required time has not elapsed.
The thread will resume execution at this statement the next time
it is executed if the required time has not elapsed. Note that
the expression is reevaluated every time the delay is checked.

\subsection{{\tt wait}}
The {\tt wait} statement is only valid within a
{\tt thread} statement. The {\tt wait} statement has
the form 
	{\tt wait({\it condition});}
This statement halts the executing thread until {\it condition} becomes
true (that is non-zero). The {\tt wait} statement is implemented
by a yield if {\it condition} is false, which returns control to the
calling thread. The thread will resume execution at this statement
the next time it is executed.

\subsection{{\tt halt}}
The halt statement has the form
	{\tt halt;}
and halts execution of the current thread or the main program.
Every program must halt. The compiler automatically adds a {\tt halt}
statement to the end of any program to ensure that the
program will halt.\\

It is also possible to halt a specific thread (possibly different to the current one) with
the statement
	{\tt halt {\it name};}
A few examples of programs are presented in this section.
In most of the examples it is necessary to provide a mapping
from the virtual joystick to a real joystick, or keyboard events.
\subsection{Toe Brakes}
Some flight simulators support toe brakes in the form of buttons
or keypresses, but do not support an axis for toe brakes. If this
is the case, we can use the toe brake axis on a set of rudder pedals
to simulate joystick button or key pressed. Assume that the
rudder pedals have been designated as joystick 2, and that the
toe brake axes are axes 0 and 1. The program to convert the
axis positions to button presses is:
Remember that {\tt b} is the array of buttons for the
virtual joystick, and that boolean and integer expressions
are interchangeable. The typical range for any axis is 0--255,
hence the choice of comparison to 128.
The program's virtual joystick buttons should then be mapped
to real joystick buttons, or to key presses.

\subsection{Car Accelerator and Brakes}
Most rudder pedals have to separate axes for the left and
right toe brake, but car simulators tend to use only one joystick 
axis for both acceleration and braking. Assume the same setup
as above with axis 0 to be used for the brake, and
axis 1 to be used for the accelerator. The two axes can be mapped
to one axis with the program 
     var val; 
     #get a positive value for acceleration
     # >128 indicates acceleration
     #produce a braking value
     # <128 indicates brakes
     # we need to reverse the sense of the axis
     #note that accelerating and braking at 
     # the same time results in no action
     # but cannot be resolved here
\subsection{Delayed Release of Countermeasures}
In modern combat flight simulators it is necessary to 
drop countermeasures such as flares or chaff to confuse
the seeker heads of missiles launched at the aircraft.
In such a situation it is standard practice to
release several countermeasures with a delay between
the release of each one. A thread should be used to
achieve this, so that other conditions may be checked
and other actions followed despite the presence
of countermeasures.
     var i;
     thread {
          if (js0.b[5]) {
               while (i>0) {
This code will trigger the release of 5 countermeasures 
with a delay of 2 seconds between each countermeasure. Countermeasures
will be launched as soon as button number 5 of joystick 0
is pressed. They will continue to be launched even if the
button is immediately released.

It is sometimes necessary to trim the controls of an aircraft
so that straight and level flight can be maintained with
the joystick in a central position. The trim position may
change due to changes in air speed or other factors.
The program below trims the joystick according to the current
joystick position.
     var trimx;
     var trimy;
     # the original values of trimx and trimy
     var ox, oy;
     if (firstscan) {
          #center position is zero
     #check for trimming button pressed
     if (js0.b[5]) {
     } else {
     #check for reset button pressed
     if (js0.b[6]) {
          #reset center position is zero

\subsection{Waiting for Release of a Button}
Assume you want to launch exactly one missile
with a button press, and the simulation software
launches missiles in sequence according to
whether the button is depressed or not.
     thread {
          #wait for first press of the button
          #wait for release 
          #press virtual button
          #and release after 1 second
Due to the input driver system it should be possible
to omit the delay, both the press and release should
be reported. However, the simulation software
may not work in entirely the same way. 
