sparql-test-runner / src / test / resources / uk / org / floop / examples / ic-12-no_duplicate_observations.sparql
# No two qb:Observations in the same qb:DataSet may have the same value for all dimensions.
PREFIX rdf:     <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX skos:    <>
PREFIX qb:      <>
PREFIX xsd:     <>
PREFIX owl:     <>

  FILTER( ?allEqual )
    # For each pair of observations test if all the dimension values are the same
    SELECT (MIN(?equal) AS ?allEqual) WHERE {
      ?dataset qb:structure/qb:component/qb:componentProperty ?dim .
      ?dim a qb:DimensionProperty .
        ?obs1 qb:dataSet ?dataset .
        ?obs2 qb:dataSet ?dataset .
        FILTER (?obs1 != ?obs2)
        ?obs1 ?dim ?value1 .
        ?obs2 ?dim ?value2 .
        BIND( ?value1 = ?value2 AS ?equal)
    } GROUP BY ?obs1 ?obs2