on 4 May
@alex alex pushed to main at cory/CubeSolver
7782f19 Testing
on 13 Dec
a49d3dc Bump Scala to 3.3.1
02be51a Ran migrateSyntax
62e5b35 Bump Scala version and some deps in preparation for migration to Scala 3. Get rid of some plugins. Update for assembly plugin.
on 12 May 2022
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/chrome-lod
439b599 Quick hack to avoid some "mixed content" errors where an XMLHttpRequest is made from a "secure" resource to an "insecure" one.
on 10 Apr 2022
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/mpd-beat
72df572 Ensure pthread is linked in. Up the debounce time to 250ms.
on 10 Apr 2022
@alex alex created branch anoj at alex/mpd-beat
on 9 Apr 2022
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/3d
e097057 Add toothbrush holder render.
on 9 Apr 2022
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/3d
4d3708a Parameterize overall width of holders.
on 20 Mar 2022
b2fb337 Set up Pipenv.
on 26 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
1937a0f Output size notebook results too.
on 21 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
93794c6 Re-instate missing lines.
on 21 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
45bae9e Use a specific Dockerfile to get a version of Pandas + Numpy that work.
on 21 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
5957cca Remove combined report
on 21 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
860ea19 Update jupyter-nbconvert with required arg.
on 21 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
470bfe1 Update for PMD4 / staging.
on 4 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/3d
bd3795a Remove screw holes. Add rounded ends to clasps.
on 2 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/3d
be36e51 Reformat, modularise, loop and conditionals.
on 2 Apr 2021
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/3d
13042f8 Added Cory's model; started cleaning up.
on 8 Mar 2021
421ce99 Add -m max time for query execution. Attempt to fix FROMs not being sent to remote SPARQL endpoint.
on 8 Mar 2021
da8ba8b Use logger rather than out/err
on 8 Mar 2021
dfc6b75 Move the uncurry to later to eagerly parse the config and load the data from files only once.
on 5 Mar 2021
a3e92bf Remove debugging.
23b9216 Move error reason to message, not stack-trace.
on 5 Mar 2021
2542bec -i -> ignore errors (exceptions) rather than failures & errors.
on 5 Mar 2021
2467c7d Override default test directory.
on 5 Mar 2021
980b772 Some refactoring to add tests to figure out the reason for exceptions.
on 22 Feb 2021
6eb3c37 Allow multiple test directories to be specified.
on 10 Feb 2021
9909402 Bump Jena -> 3.17.0, redo build.sbt and start adding GraalVM build.
on 10 Feb 2021
d3ccd17 Use Using properly. Add stacktrace to exception/error.
d1ec238 Clean & use Using()
8778faf Bump versions: scala -> 2.13.4; scopt -> .0.0; scala-xml -> 1.3.0; sbt -> 1.4.7.
on 8 Feb 2021
d142280 Put output message in body of <failure>, using CDATA to preserve line endings.
3b6c19d Found the JUnit/Jenkins reverse engineered docs; updated to distinguish errors & failures.
on 11 Sep 2020
3ba3bbd Add -l option to add/set limits on SELECT queries
on 9 Sep 2020
63608a9 Add --from to be able to specify one or more graphs to restrict queries to (currently over HTTP)
on 19 Jun 2020
8c7519e Attempt to add limited oAuth support via supplied token.
on 5 May 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/rdfdiff
ae6e56e Add slf4j-simple to get rid of warnings.
on 4 May 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/rdfdiff
ede8bb9 Update dependencies/scala/sbt.
on 1 May 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/csv2rdf
563bce6 Expand curies. Allow gzipped input/output.
on 24 Apr 2020
@alex alex created branch master at alex/csv2rdf
on 24 Apr 2020
@alex alex created alex/csv2rdf
on 23 Mar 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
761db79 Move packages to docker container.
on 23 Mar 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
2662b08 Ensure latest docker image is pulled.
on 23 Mar 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
9317d19 Remove typo.
on 23 Mar 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
73f1bf7 Run combined report.
095eb16 Update syntax.
on 23 Mar 2020
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
3cb3fcd Pull info from Airtable and plot.
on 13 Dec 2019
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/DataReport
494d6ba Re-org table; don't attempt to count observations.
on 4 Oct 2019
@alex alex pushed to master at ONS/jupyterhub
5001fde Use gsscogs rather than cloudfluff.
on 5 Aug 2019
@alex alex pushed to master at alex/joymap
c49b9e7 Do the same for axes.
612c3d1 Increase buffer sizes to avoid overflows. Keep track of duplicate vendor/product and use id to reference them.
on 5 Aug 2019
@alex alex created branch master at alex/joymap
on 5 Aug 2019
@alex alex created alex/joymap
on 5 Jul 2019
a2e9318 in / with
on 5 Jul 2019
f49bf91 Document Makefile. Notes on using Pellet.
on 5 Jul 2019
5dbc530 Use the right URL in the right place.
on 5 Jul 2019
bd4179d Use the right image URL.