Boredom-combat-server / Mods / config / appleskin-client.toml
@Cory Tucker Cory Tucker on 15 Jul 2021 829 bytes Updating mods 1.1

	#If true, shows the hunger (and saturation if showSaturationHudOverlay is true) that would be restored by food you are currently holding
	showFoodValuesHudOverlay = true
	#If true, shows your food exhaustion as a progress bar behind the hunger bars
	showFoodExhaustionHudUnderlay = true
	#If true, adds a line that shows your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion level in the F3 debug overlay
	showFoodStatsInDebugOverlay = true
	#If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip while holding SHIFT
	showFoodValuesInTooltip = true
	#If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip automatically (without needing to hold SHIFT)
	showFoodValuesInTooltipAlways = true
	#If true, shows your current saturation level overlayed on the hunger bar
	showSaturationHudOverlay = true