Boredom-combat-server / Mods / config / appliedenergistics2-common.toml

#Warning: Disabling a feature may disable other features depending on it.

		#Unsupported: Allows whitelisting TileEntity as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
		TileEntityFacades = false

		#No comment
		AlphaPass = true

		#No comment
		CraftingLog = false
		#No comment
		IntegrationLogging = false
		#No comment
		DebugLogging = false
		#No comment
		PacketLogging = false
		#No comment
		UnsupportedDeveloperTools = false
		#No comment
		UpdateLogging = false
		#No comment
		WebsiteRecipes = false
		#No comment
		LogSecurityAudits = false

		#No comment
		ChunkLoggerTrace = false

		#No comment
		EnableDisassemblyCrafting = true
		#No comment
		InWorldFluix = true
		#No comment
		InWorldSingularity = true
		#No comment
		InWorldPurification = true
		#No comment
		EnableFacadeCrafting = true

		#No comment
		CertusQuartzWorldGen = true
		#No comment
		VillagerTrading = true
		#No comment
		SpawnPressesInMeteorites = true
		#No comment
		MeteoriteWorldGen = true

	#Will auto-remove items that crash when being loaded from storage. This will destroy those items instead of crashing the game!
	removeCrashingItemsOnLoad = false

	formationPlaneEntityLimit = 128

	craftingCalculationTimePerTick = 5

	#BE CAREFUL, CAN CORRUPT YOUR WORLD! Will use #spatial/whitelist as whitelist.
	spatialBlockTags = false
	spatialPowerExponent = 1.35
	spatialPowerMultiplier = 1250.0

	#Chance to actually get an output with stacksize > 1.
	#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
	oreDoublePercentage = 90.0

	entropyManipulator = 200000
	chargedStaff = 8000
	wirelessTerminal = 1600000
	portableCell = 20000
	colorApplicator = 20000
	matterCannon = 200000

	quartzOresClusterAmount = 20
	meteoriteBiomeBlacklist = []
	quartzOresPerCluster = 4
	quartzOresBiomeBlacklist = []
	#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
	spawnChargedChance = 0.08

	wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = 1.0
	wirelessBoosterExp = 1.5
	wirelessCostMultiplier = 1.0
	wirelessHighWirelessCount = 64.0
	wirelessBaseRange = 16.0
	wirelessBaseCost = 8.0
	wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = 1.0

	ForgeEnergy = 0.5
	#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
	UsageMultiplier = 1.0

	Singularity = 256000
	MatterBalls = 256

# Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.
	ChargerMax = 120
	IOPortMax = 5
	METunnelMin = 5
	StorageBusMax = 60
	FluidStorageBusMax = 60
	LightTunnelMax = 60
	FluidExportBusMax = 60
	ItemTunnelMin = 5
	FluidImportBusMax = 40
	FluidStorageBusMin = 5
	IOPortMin = 1
	InterfaceMax = 120
	OpenComputersTunnelMax = 5
	StorageBusMin = 5
	InscriberMin = 1
	ImportBusMax = 40
	FluidImportBusMin = 5
	VibrationChamberMax = 40
	ImportBusMin = 5
	InterfaceMin = 5
	OpenComputersTunnelMin = 1
	AnnihilationPlaneMin = 2
	ExportBusMin = 5
	PressureTunnelMax = 120
	ChargerMin = 10
	METunnelMax = 20
	AnnihilationPlaneMax = 120
	InscriberMax = 1
	ItemTunnelMax = 60
	LightTunnelMin = 5
	ExportBusMax = 60
	PressureTunnelMin = 1
	FluidExportBusMin = 5
	VibrationChamberMin = 10

#Settings for in-world purification of crystals.
	#A fluid tag that identifies fluids that improve crystal purification speed. Does not affect purification with water/lava.
	improvedFluidTag = ""
	#The speed multiplier to use when the crystals are submerged in the improved fluid.
	#Range: 1.0 ~ 10.0
	improvedFluidMultiplier = 2.0