Boredom-combat-server / MultiMC Server instance / Modded Server 1.16.5 / .minecraft / config / ichunutil.toml

	#Number of ticks before showing a tooltip
	#Range: > 0
	guiTooltipCooldown = 20
	#Renders iChunUtil's GUIs (Boxes & Stuff) in a Minecraft Style instead. 1 = Vanilla Style, 2 = Texture Pack Style
	#Range: 0 ~ 2
	guiMinecraftStyle = 0
	#Default Theme for Boxes & Stuff
	guiDefaultTheme = "default"
	#Speed, in ticks, to register a double click
	#Range: > 1
	guiDoubleClickSpeed = 10
	#How much padding to add to the docked windows
	#Range: 0 ~ 50
	guiDockPadding = 0
	#Number of pixels before iChunUtil thinks you're trying to dock a window
	#Range: > 1
	guiDockBorder = 8

#These options affect only the client that loads the mod.
	#Override the Options button so pressing Shift when clicking it shows the Mods list.
	buttonOptionsShiftOpensMods = true
	#The Minecraft Toast Renderer has a bug where toasts with different heights might overlap. This override fixes it if the renderer is still the default renderer.
	overrideToastGui = true
	#Enables (most) Client-Side Easter Eggs for iChun's Mods
	easterEgg = true

	#Enable the easter egg where the horse/llama's "head" is its behind. This is an easter egg on how Hats used to put hats on Horses.
	horseEasterEgg = true
	#Track the head model aggressively to try and fix improper head tracking that may be caused by mod conflicts?
	#1 = All Entities
	#2 = Players Only
	#Range: 0 ~ 2
	aggressiveHeadTracking = 1