EPQ-3D-renderer / src / main / java / uk / org / floop / epq3d /
@cory cory on 10 Jan 2023 1 KB - added http stuff

public class Point3D {
    public double x;
    public double y;
    public double z;

    public Point3D(double _x, double _y, double _z){
        x = _x;
        y = _y;
        z = _z;
    public void set(double[] _new){
        x = _new[0];
        y = _new[1];
        z = _new[2];
    public void translate(Point3D trVec){
        x += trVec.x;
        y += trVec.y;
        z += trVec.z;
    public Point2D project(double fpdis, int scrX, int scrY){
        return new Point2D(
                scrX - (int)(scrX*0.5*((fpdis*y)/(z) + 1)),
                (int)(scrX*0.5*((fpdis*x)/(z) + ((double)scrY/(double)scrX)))
    public void projectOn(double fpdis, int scrX, int scrY, Point2D point){
        // this is a mess of random fixes because none of my coordinates are correct. :(
        // sorry
        point.x = scrX - (int)(scrX*0.5*((fpdis*y)/(z) + 1));
        point.y = (int)(scrX*0.5*((fpdis*x)/(z) + ((double)scrY/(double)scrX)));
    public double[] get(){
        return new double[]{x, y, z};