import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Face { PointComp[] points; Vector3D normal; Triangle[] tris; public void initialise(){ calculateNormal(); separateTris(); } public void invalidate(){ for (Triangle tri: tris) { tri.invalidate(); } } public int draw(BufferedImage img, BufferedImage debugImg, Matrix camMatrix, double FPDis, int scrX, int scrY){ // check for backface culling has been done previously. // initialise points int numberofPixels = 0; boolean valid = true; for (PointComp point: points) { point.setRotatedPoint(camMatrix); point.setProjectedPoint(FPDis, scrX, scrY); // skip rendering if any points are behind the camera if(point.getRotatedPoint().z < 0.1){ valid = false; break; } } if(valid){for (Triangle tri: tris) { numberofPixels += tri.draw(img); }} return numberofPixels; } public void separateTris(){ Triangle[] newTris = new Triangle[points.length - 2]; for(int i = 0; i< newTris.length; i+=1){ newTris[i] = new Triangle( points[0].getProjectedPoint(), points[i+1].getProjectedPoint(), points[i+2].getProjectedPoint()); } tris = newTris; } public void calculateNormal(){ // too many new variables Point3D point0 = points[0].point; Point3D point1 = points[1].point; Point3D point2; Vector3D vec1 = new Vector3D(point1.x - point0.x, point1.y - point0.y, point1.z - point0.z); Vector3D vec2 = new Vector3D(0,0,0); // initialisation otherwise intellij gets mad // find a vector which is not inline with other vectors boolean valid = false; int i = 2; while(!valid && i < points.length) { point2 = points[i].point; vec2 = new Vector3D(point2.x - point0.x, point2.y - point0.y, point2.z - point0.z); double angle = Math.abs(vec1.angleTo(vec2)); if(angle > 0.1 && angle < 2*Math.PI - 0.1){ // if the angle between the vectors is between a threshold, the two vectors are valid. // else, calculate the second vector using a different set of points. valid = true; }} if(!valid){throw new RuntimeException("Could not calculate normal of face");} normal = vec1.cross(vec2); } }